Alliance Benefits

While Safe Exam Browser is an open source software product that might be freely downloaded and used by everyone you may consider to join the SEB Alliance as a Contributor, too. As an Alliance Contributor you will directly help to sustain maintenance and continued development of the software. You will also help to add more of the features requested by the community, whilst being able to influence direction and priorities depending on your Contributor level.

SEB is a free open-source software released under the Mozilla Public License (MPL). The application is available for Windows (Desktop and Tablets), Mac OS and iOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch). SEB helps to impede fraud in online examinations by preventing access to unwanted resources and utilities such as system functions, websites, applications and files, and turns any computer into a secure workstation. SEB consists of two main components: (1) a kiosk application that prevents access to unwanted resources and utilities and (2) a browser to render the exam environment. The kiosk component locks down the computer by preventing access to unwanted utilities by either blocking commands (e.g. keyboard shortcuts and popup windows) or by making them inaccessible to the user by removing them from the user interface (e.g. the task manager, start menu, or third-party software). The browser component renders the actual exam environment by accessing, for example, the exam module of a learning management system or an e-assessment suite via Internet or LAN. If additional resources and utilities — such as specific “third-party” applications (i.e. any software or application that can be run on the exam client), files or web resources — are desired in an online exam, individual SEB lockdown functions may be deactivated and access to specific applications granted. The SEB software is freely available though, so why becoming a Contributor of the SEB Alliance?

By becoming a Contributor of the SEB Alliance you will:
  • Enable the SEB open source project to continue to develop and maintain the software;
  • Help us add more of the features requested by the SEB community;
  • Have the ability to influence the direction of SEB and the prioritisation within the SEB development via the SEB Alliance sounding group.

Please navigate to the Contribute to the SEB Alliance page to join the SEB Alliance as a Contributor