SEB Verificator for Windows and macOS

Software extensions for supported Learning Management Systems: Moodle, ILIAS.

Safe Exam Browser 3.9.0 for Windows

Current version for Windows 10 (Version 1803 or newer) and Windows 11
Build - SHA1: 0077542b2dd765ff59b92ef4cf8091e6a75ba224

Download from GitHub project site.

This update fixes the startup delay of version 3.8.0, provides major improvements of the optional screen proctoring feature as well as other important bug fixes and improvements.

Below a list of the most prominent new features and changes:

  • Implemented localization for JavaScript unload dialogs and fixed integration of Romanian translation.
  • Completely removed combined configuration value for down- and uploads.
  • Changed default configuration value for uploads to disabled.
  • Implemented basic encryption of the locally cached screen proctoring data (optional feature).
  • Implemented cache size restriction and data deletion of the locally cached screen proctoring data (optional feature).

See release notes for all changes and read the manual for more information.

Safe Exam Browser 3.5 for macOS

Current version of Safe Exam Browser for macOS 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10.15
Build 15487. SHA1: c931a47d8bdbe85353d31fbb795df64bc18e133e

Download from GitHub project site.

SEB 3.5 supports the URL content filter also in the modern WebView, fixes general issues and in the optional Screen Proctoring feature (requiring to run your own instance of SEB Server with SEB Screen Proctoring service).

New in SEB 3.5:

  • Added support for URL content filter in WKWebView. Note: If using custom regular expressions as SEB URL filter expressions, only the subset supported by WKWebView/Safari Content Filters is allowed, see here.
  • Updated selection policy of modern WebView (no longer dependent on using URL content filters).
  • Now blocking AI Writing Tools in macOS Sequoia.
  • Now blocking inline predictive text.
  • Now removes the Passwords Menu Bar Extra (item).
  • Added "Choose Application" button also for prohibited macOS apps (Settings / Applications).
  • Fixed: Entering URL filter rule (Settings / Network / Filter) in text field needed to be confirmed (return/enter key) and wasn't saved when using "Apply and Restart".
  • No longer accepting Start URL with obviously wrong format in Settings / General (for example with preceding space) and preventing SEB to crash with some wrong Start URLs.
  • Improved validating Start and SEB Server URL in Settings / General: If no protocol scheme is entered, https:// is added.
  • Fixed: ConfigKey wasn't updated correctly in Settings window after saving a config file.
  • Changed default value for minimum supported macOS version to 10.15. SEB might still work with macOS 10.13 and 10.14 if you change that setting, but we are not testing with these versions and like Apple we generally recommend to use only the three latest macOS versions.
  • Now allowing independent enabling/disabling of screen/window capture in Settings / Security.

Optional features which need to be individually configured and are disabled by default

  • The SEB Server feature Raise Hand is now available again if enabled in session settings.
  • Fixed: Expired Screen Proctoring token caused unnecessary server connection interruption handling.
  • Fixed: SEB couldn't be quit because it was trying to transmit a screen shot which already was transmitted and deleted.
  • Improved security when caching screen shots when connection is offline.

IMPORTANT for SEB Integrations: The classic WebView has been DEPRECATED by Apple years ago, it's no longer maintained and doesn't work well anymore. It's crucial that assessment systems with SEB Integrations, which are using the Browser Exam Key (BEK) and Config Key (CK), transition to the SEB Javascript API to query these keys, as the modern WebView (macOS/iOS framework WKWebView) doesn't support transmitting the BEK/CK in HTTP request headers. See our documentation about how to adopt the SEB JS API.

See release notes for all changes.

SafeExamBrowser 3.4.1 for iOS in the App Store

Current version of SafeExamBrowser for iOS/iPadOS 12 and newer

SEB 3.4.1 allows to display the Config QR Code in its in-app settings and fixes issues with the Assessment (lockdown) Mode and browser WebView warning.

New in SEB 3.4.1:

  • Added button to show Config QR Code in in-app Settings / Configuration.
  • No longer using the modern AAC API with iOS older than 18.1, unless using the AAC Multi-App Mode on iPadOS 17.7.1 or iPadOS 18.1 and newer (on iPadOS 17.7.1 the option Settings / Security / Use Modern AAC API must explicitly be enabled).
  • Enabled the Settings app option "Allow Cross-Website Tracking" for SEB.
  • Changed default value for setting browserWindowWebView back to webViewSelectPreferModernInForeignNewTabs (2), as using the option webViewSelectPreferModern would have prevented detecting settings which caused the classic WebView to be used in previous SEB version. This setting (browserWindowWebView) is anyways ignored since SEB 3.4 for iOS.
  • Fixed: Removal message for the classic WebView (UIWebView) was not displayed in some cases.
    This warning is displayed on top of browser tabs when settings require the classic WebView. You can disable this warning being displayed, but if you are the vendor of an assessment system which isn't yet compatible with the modern WebView, you need to update your integration now (use SEB Javascript API instead of HTTP header check for BEK/CK, see our documentation).

Optional features which need to be individually configured and are disabled by default:

  • Implemented lock screen closed confirmation to SEB Server.
  • Only accept JOIN-Instruction for screen proctoring if SEB settings contain enableScreenProctoring = true (this could have caused inconsistencies when using screen proctoring).

New in SEB 3.4:

  • Now running on iOS 18 without having to use special setting.
  • Support for AAC Multi-App Mode starting iPadOS 18. This allows to use additional apps running alongside SEB in exams.
    • You can add/edit which apps should be available in an exam session along with SEB in its in-app settings in the Additional Apps section.
    • You need to enter the Bundle ID in the Identifier field. See this page to find out the Bundle ID of any iOS app.
  • Removed support and settings for classic WebView (UIWebView), as it isn't supported anymore in iOS/iPadOS 18 and newer.
  • Fixed a security issue with a keyboard shortcut.
  • Fixed: Prompting web microphone access permissions was not working correctly in some cases.
  • Now injecting ConfigKey/BrowserExamKey into all iFrames when using the modern WebView. You should use the SEB JS API function void callback) to support this.

Optional features, which need to be individually configured and are disabled by default:

  • Added the optional feature Screen Proctoring (which requires to run your own instance of SEB Server and the SEB Screen Proctoring feature).
  • Now generic exam systems are supported with SEB Server.
  • App Signature Key functionality, which allows automated application integrity checks similar to the manual use of the Browser Exam Key (no copy-paste of hash string necessary).
  • New server-driven Browser Exam Key which can be used for improved SEB Server integration with LMS/assessment systems like Moodle.
  • Optional support for SEB Server: In the web backend of SEB Server, an administrator can import exam metadata from a learning management system (LMS) and create SEB Server exams. The list of current exams is then displayed on the SEB clients connected to this SEB Server instance. During the exam, the clients can be monitored in the SEB Server web backend, SEB can be quit remotely etc. SEB Server currently supports Open edX, Moodle, OpenOlat (currently not in public OO version) and Ans.
  • SEB Server requires examination administrators to set up their own server instances (or use external service providers) and configure SEB clients to connect to those servers. SEB doesn't use any centralized server instances and the according features are disabled by default.

Main Features:

  • The assessment mode used by SEB is built into the iOS operating system and therefore provides a high level of security.
  • Students cannot switch to other (not permitted) apps, access other websites or communicate with other students during an exam.
  • Notifications, FaceTime/voice calls and screen shots are also blocked.
  • SEB for iOS works both on unmanaged iOS devices like students' own iPads as well as on iOS devices owned and managed by an institution. 
  • SEB for iOS is compatible with the versions for macOS and Windows. You can use the same SEB config links and files to start exams in SEB from Safari or Mail or to configure SEB to display your institution's exam system start/portal page.
  • In SEB for iOS exams with individual settings can also be started by QR codes.
  • SEB for iOS can be installed and configured using a mobile device management system, as it supports the iOS feature "MDM Managed Configuration".
  • SEB for iOS is also compatible with Apple Classroom.

See release notes for complete list of new features and changes. Check out the SEB for iOS manual which explains all features (currently being updated). In addition, we published a first version of a tutorial which will help exam administrators to better understand how to configure and use SEB for iOS. It also includes how SEB for iOS can be used together with the Apple Classroom app. More topics will be added to this tutorial over time.

SEB Verificator 1.0.2 for Windows

Current version for Windows 10 and 11

A stand-alone tool to manually verify the integrity of a Safe Exam Browser installation on Windows. This application is intended for use cases like BYOD exams where candidates have complete control over their systems and thus could be trying to use a manipulated build of Safe Exam Browser to perform an exam.

  • Implemented logging.
  • Implemented single-select list for all configuration files found in nearby filesystem.
  • Improved layout of user interface.
  • Changed icon for window and executable.
  • Ensured verification can be started by hitting the ENTER key.
  • Added official references for SEB 3.4.1.
  • Added official references for SEB 3.5.0.
  • Added official references for SEB 3.6.0.
  • Added official references for SEB 3.7.0.
  • Added official references for SEB 3.7.1.
  • Added official references for SEB 3.8.0.
  • Added official references for SEB 3.9.0.

The application requires the prerequisites listed below in order to work correctly. These should already be present on a system which has SEB installed.


Download and unzip the archive containing the application binaries, then start the application by double-clicking Verificator.exe. For further usage information, please refer to Read Me.

SEB Verificator 1.0.2 for macOS

Current version for macOS 10.11 and newer

Exam proctors/invigilators can use SEB Verificator to make sure candidates are using an original, unmanipulated SEB version in BYOD exams (on location). For example use a USB stick drive with SEB Verificator on it and either check randomly some or all student devices and start the correct SEB version, optionally also with a specific configuration file.

  • SEB Verificator now recognizes the code signature of current SEB versions
  • Improved UI feature parity of SEB Verificator Mac/Win:
    • Added "Start with config ..." checkbox.
    • A verified SEB version can now be started together with the first found SEB configuration file (alphabetically) using the Enter/Return key.

Download and open the DMG disc image containing the latest release version, then start the application by double-clicking the SEBVerificator app. See Read Me for more information about how to use SEB Verificator.

SEB Quiz Access Rule for Moodle

This plugin ensures that the right and unmodified SEB version using the correct (secure) settings is connecting to a Moodle quiz. After installing this plugin you can copy the Browser Exam Key hash code generated by SEB for the SEB settings used into the quiz settings in Moodle (see manuals for Windows/macOS versions of SEB).

ILIAS Plugin for SEB

This plugin ensures that the right and unmodified SEB version using the correct (secure) settings is connecting to an ILIAS instance with a specific user role. After installing this plugin you can copy the Browser Exam Key hash code generated by SEB for the SEB settings used into the ILIAS settings (see manuals for Windows/macOS versions of SEB).

List of outdated releases